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 ▣ CCID 레코드 등록정보

INCI Name 





(Other Names) 



이 원료는 마이카가루에 산화티탄의 엷은 막을 피복처리한 것이다. Mica와 Titanium Dioxide를 참고하십시요.


■ U.S. Colorants

The term color additive is defined, in part, by U.S. law as a material which:

(A) is a dye, pigment, or other substance made by a process of synthesis, or similar artifice, or extracted, isolated, or otherwise derived, with or without intermediate or final change of identity, from a vegetable, animal, mineral, or other source, and;

(B) when added or applied to a food, drug, or cosmetic, or to the human body or any part
thereof, is capable (alone or through reaction with other substances) of imparting color thereto. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Section 201(t)(1).

In the United States, a cosmetic containing a colorant (except a coal-tar hair dye) that is not approved by the FDA is regarded as adulterated and subject to regulatory action by FDA. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Section 601(e).

NOTE: An exception to this requirement exists for coal-tar (synthetic organic) colorants used in hair dyes, provided other regulatory requirements are met (see information in this section under U.S. Hair Colorants and the U.S. Hair Dye Exemption).

Colorants approved for use in the United States are listed in Title 21 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, 21 CFR, Parts 73, 74, and 82.

A listing of the INCI names of U.S. approved colorants may be found in Section 3, Chemical Classes, under the following headings:

. Color Additives - Batch Certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
. Color Additive Lakes - Batch Certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
. Color Additives - Exempt from Batch Certification by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Color Additives Subject to Batch Certification
With the exception of coal-tar hair dyes, all synthetic organic color additives are subject to batch certification by the FDA. Each batch of an approved synthetic organic colorant must be tested and certified by the FDA as meeting standards and specifications found in 21 CFR 74.

Color Additives Exempt from Batch Certification
Some U.S. approved colorants are exempt from batch certification by the FDA. In order to be legally used in the U.S., however, these colorants must meet specification and use restrictions stipulated in 21 CFR 73.

Abbreviated Labeling Names for U.S. Colorants
Official names for colorants subject to batch certification may be found in 21 CFR Parts 73, 74, and 82. These names must be used by the colorant manufacturer to identify the product that has been batch certified by the FDA. Industry proposed an alternative labeling scheme for cosmetic product labeling, and the FDA agreed to accept abbreviated names.

FDA originally proposed the use of abbreviated names for U.S. colorants in the Federal Register on June 6, 1985 (50 FR 23815). At that time, the FDA stated that firms may use the abbreviated names on product labels. In correspondence with CTFA, dated June 7, 1999, the FDA reaffirmed its intention to permit cosmetic firms to use the abbreviated names on product labels while a final rule on the matter is pending.

The abbreviated labeling names apply only to U.S. color additives that are subject to batch certification. Under this scheme, the cosmetic product manufacturer does not have to include FD&C or D&C, EXT, or the type of lake Aluminum, Zirconium, etc., on their product labels. Examples of the abbreviated and the original names associated with U.S. colorants are:

Abbreviated Labeling Name --/-- U.S. FDA Batch Certification Name
Blue 1 --/-- FD&C Blue No. 1
Red 6 --/-- D&C Red No. 6
Ext. Violet 2 --/-- Ext. D&C Violet No. 2
Red 40 Lake --/-- FD&C Red No. 40 Aluminum Lake

Other Restrictions for U.S. Colorants
There may be specific use restrictions for some U.S. approved colorants, such as: nor external use except eye area. Restrictions for U.S. approved colorants may be found in 21 CFR 73, 74, and 83.


색소 첨가제류 - 미국 F.D.A. 승인면제(Color Additives - Exempt from Batch Certification by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration);
무기화합물류 (Including minerals and oxides)(Inorganics);




메이크업 제품류 - 립스틱(Lipsticks);
눈 화장용 제품류 - 아이섀도(Eye Shadows);
의약외품 - 산화형 염모제, 비산화형 염모제(Hair Dyes and Colors (All Types Requiring Caution Statements and Patch Tests));
메이크업 제품류 - 페이스파우더(Face Powders);
메이크업 제품류 - 볼연지(Blushers (All types));
메이크업 제품류 - 파운데이션(Foundations);
눈 화장용 제품류 - 아이라이너(Eyeliners);
매니큐어용 제품류 - 탑코트,네일폴리시 및 네일에나멜(Nail Polish and Enamels);
메이크업 제품류 - 기타 메이크업 제품류(Makeup Preparations (Not eye), Misc.);
기초 화장용 제품류 - 파우더(Powders (Dusting and Talcum, Excluding Aftershave Talcs));
눈 화장용 제품류 - 기타 눈화장용 제품류(Eye Makeup Preparations, Misc.);
눈 화장용 제품류 - 아이브라우(Eyebrow Pencils);
눈 화장용 제품류 - 마스카라(Mascara);
메이크업 제품류 - 메이크업베이스(Makeup Bases);
두발용 제품류 - 샴푸(Shampoos (Non-coloring));
기초 화장용 제품류 - 유연화장수,영양화장수,영양크림(Moisturizing Preparations);
기초 화장용 제품류 - 바디화장품(Body and Hand Preparations (Excluding Shaving Preparations));
기능성화장품 - 자외선차단(Suntan Gels, Creams, and Liquids);
기초 화장용 제품류 - 마사지크림,기타 기초 화장용 제품류(Skin Care Preparations, Misc.);
방향용 제품류 - 기타 방향용 제품류(Fragrance Preparations, Misc.);
기초 화장용 제품류 - 세안용화장품(Cleansing Products (Cold Creams, Cleansing Lotions, Liquids and Pads));
기초 화장용 제품류 - 팩(Paste Masks (Mud Packs));
기초 화장용 제품류 - 기타 기초 화장용 제품류(Face and Neck Preparations (Excluding Shaving Preparations));
메이크업 제품류 - 립스틱,립글로서(Rouges);
목욕용 제품류 - 목욕용 오일, 정, 염류(Bath Oils, Tablets, and Salts);
목욕용 제품류 - 바디클렌저(Bath Soaps and Detergents);
염모용 제품류 - 기타 염모용 제품류(Hair Coloring Preparations, Misc.);
두발용 제품류 - 헤어컨디셔너,헤어크림(Hair Conditioners);
목욕용 제품류 - 기타 목욕용 제품류(Bath Preparations, Misc.);
매니큐어용 제품류 - 베이스코트 및 언더코트(Basecoats and Undercoats);
방향용 제품류 - 코롱(Colognes and Toilet Waters);
의약외품 - 탈색,탈염제(Hair Bleaches);
두발용 제품류 - 기타 두발용 제품류(Hair Preparations (Non-coloring), Misc.);
메이크업 제품류 - 메이크업픽서티브(Makeup Fixatives);
매니큐어용 제품류 - 기타 매니큐어용 제품류(Manicuring Preparations, Misc.);



사이트 정보

회사명 : 코스넷 / 대표 : 전상훈
주소 : 경상북도 예천군 호명면 양지9길 18, 에비뉴시티 211호
사업자 등록번호 : 137-02-38724
전화 : 010-4364-7541 팩스 : 0303-3130-7541
통신판매업신고번호 : 2019-경북예천-0108
개인정보관리책임자 : 전상훈


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